Fans bid farewell to panda Le Le in Singapore

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Le Le, a Singapore-born giant panda, made his final public appearance at River Wonders Park in Singapore on Wednesday.  

About 1,000 guests and panda lovers came to the Pavilion Capital Giant Panda Forest exhibit of River Wonders Park to bid farewell to the giant panda Le Le.  

After the farewell party, Le Le, the two-year-old giant panda cub and the first panda born in Singapore, entered the month-long quarantine and prepared for his flight to China on January 16, 2024.   Le Le was born to giant pandas Jia Jia and Kai Kai. The parents arrived in Singapore in 2012 and will remain at River Wonders and focus on planning for their future breeding cycles.  

(Reporter   He Xi    Editor  Wang Xiaoting)